Atomic Science Class 


Refresher course in Atomic structure.  

 Everything is composed of molecules, remember Science class?

All matter is made up of tiny particles called molecules. Each molecule is made up of two or more atoms. Atoms may be divided into even smaller particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. These particles are the same in all matter and differences in materials hard or soft, conductive or non-conductive, occur only because of the number and arrangement of these particles. In other words, the protons, neutrons and electrons in a drop of water are the same as those in an ounce of lead, there are just more of them arranged differently in a lead molecule than in a water molecule. Protons and neutrons packed together form the nucleus of the atom, while electrons orbit around the nucleus much the same way as the planets of the solar system orbit around the sun.

The proton is a small positive natural charge of electricity, while the neutron has no electrical charge. The electron carries a negative charge equal to the positive charge of the proton. Every electrically neutral atom contains the same number of protons and electrons, the exact number of which determines the element. The only difference between a conductor and an insulator is that a conductor possesses free electrons in large quantities, while an insulator has only a few. An element must have very few free electrons to be a good insulator, and viceversa. When we speak of electricity, we're talking about these free electrons.

To help explain why you need to know about these electrons and their orbits, let's look at the atomic structure of copper. Copper is a metal and is the most commonly used conductor of electricity. A copper atom contains 29 electrons, 2 in the first orbit, 8 in the second, 18 in the third orbit, and 1 in the fourth. The outer orbit, or shell as it is sometimes called, is referred to as the valence ring. This is the orbit we care about in our study of electricity.

There is only one electron in the valence ring of a copper atom. This is why copper is used as a conductor of electricity. Copper, silver, gold. and other good conductors of electricity have only one or two electrons in their valence ring. These atoms can be made to give up the electrons in their valence ring with little effort.

Since electricity is the movement of electrons from one atom to another, atoms that have one electron in their valence ring support electricity. They allow the electron to easily move from the valence ring of one atom to the valence ring of another atom. Therefore, if we have a wire made of millions of copper atoms, we have a good conductor of electricity. To have electricity, we simply need to add one electron to one of the copper atoms. That atom will shed the electron it had to another atom. which will shed its original electron to another, and so on. As the electrons move from atom to atom, a force is released. This force is what we use to light lamps, run motors, and so on. As long as we keep the electrons moving in the conductor, we have electricity.

In a conductor, the movement of the free electrons is hindered by collisions with the adjoining atoms of the element (matter). This hindrance to movement is called RESISTANCE and it varies with different materials and temperatures. As temperature increases, the movement of the free electrons increases, causing more frequent collisions and therefore increasing resistance to the movement of the electrons. The number of collisions (resistance) also increases with the number of electrons flowing (current). Current is defined as the movement of electrons through a conductor such as a wire. In a conductor, (such as copper) electrons can be caused to leave their atoms and move to other atoms. This flow is continuous in that every time an atom gives up an electron, it collects another one to take its place. This movement of electrons is called electric CURRENT and is measured in amperes. When 6.28 billion, billion electrons pass a certain point in the circuit in one second, the amount of current flow is called one ampere.

The force or pressure which causes electrons to flow in any conductor (such as a wire) is called VOLTAGE. It is measured in volts and is similar to the pressure that causes water to flow in a pipe. Voltage is the difference in electrical pressure measured between two different points in a circuit. In a 12 volt system, for example, the force measured between the two battery posts is 12 volts. Two important concepts are voltage potential and polarity. Voltage potential is the amount of voltage or electrical pressure at a certain point in the circuit with respect to another point. For example, if the voltage potential at one post of the 12 volt battery is zero, the voltage potential at the other post is 12 volts with respect to the first post. One post of the battery is said to be positive (+), the other post is negative (-) and the conventional direction of current flow is from positive to negative in an electrical circuit.